How culture can affect your marketing success

Those of you who know me, know that I champion the assertion that culture in an organization must live at the same priority level as strategy to truly be an unbeatable company when faced with any competitive or market challenges.

When it comes to marketing, sharing your story is essential. When you have a healthy company culture, it’s easy to tell your story in the most compelling way. Although they are not identical, the two do have a lot of similarities and mutually affect one another.  (See Southwest Airlines’culture lessons)


What is culture?

“Culture” is how your work family (employee group) thinks, act, and feel. It’s the way you relate to other people and how they relate to you. Culture is more than just words or actions; it’s a set of shared values and beliefs that guide your behavior. It is something that exists in your business and can be measured, most commonly on a scale of 1-10


What is Culture on Market Segmentation and Strategy

Culture can affect how you determine the type and strategy of marketing messaging you craft. Culture influences how you choose your channels, how you use them, and the messages you send with each channel. 

Because a consumer’s culture has an effect on their way of life, companies should pay attention to the cultural norms and beliefs of their target audience in order to give the impression that they understand that audience very well.


How does culture affect market strategy and how the market is split up?

To have a complete appreciation of the influence that culture has on marketing strategy and market segmentation, it is helpful to have an understanding of the relationships that exist between these three factors. This is because marketing strategies aim to target certain parts of the market. Culture is also a word that can be used to describe everything, and it helps define market categories. Therefore, culture serves the same purpose for marketing strategies as market segments do.

How would you define the culture that you now have? Do you need some coaching in boosting the culture of your organization in such a manner that it will significantly improve your marketing strategy and bottom-line success? Give DC a call for a no-obligation chat! Contact us today or call (602) 402-6665.