To deliver an inspired message of tactical and non-academic actionable ideas and content for transforming the audience mind-”sight” into an unbeatable organization through work family centric leadership.

Meet Dennis Campbell

Speaker • Author• Coach • Facilitator • Storyteller

Champion of Culture

A decorated Army Criminal Investigator for undercover narcotics work in Germany during the 1970s, “DC” also served in various corporate leadership posts spanning a (35) year career that included Southwest Airlines, destination marketing (VisitAlbuquerque), and large event facilities (New Mexico State Fairgrounds) where he had touch points with 1000s of association executives and corporate leaders, in scores of industries.

Presently, as an international speaker and author of a lauded leadership book, he advances unbeatable organization culture, finding your true purpose, operations efficiencies, and disrupter marketing . Experience includes main stage talks and keynotes, breakouts, workshops, and board/leadership retreats.

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Campbell Motto:  "Ne obliviscaris"  (Forget Not)


To be recognized as a key influencer, authentic authority, global expert and cultural change agent, helping customers transform their organizations, invigorating their lives and business practices, and finding one’s individual or organization's purpose through the development of culture-centric legacy leadership to serve a higher purpose. 


"Fides, Familia, Amici, ministerium super se”  -  (Faith, Family, Friends, Service Before Self)

"Culture Must Live at the Same Level of Priority as Strategy In Your Organization"

Dennis "DC" Campbell


The 7 Pillars of an Unbeatable Company & Culture

Culture Must Live at the Same Level of Priority as Strategy In Your Organization

Building an unbeatable company and culture in a straightforward, practical, and compelling manner, by implementing the 7 pillars that serve as the foundation for legacy leadership.

Finding Your Purpose

Our lens was shaped by our respective journeys. Sometimes, you find your purpose, and sometimes it finds you. Use what you have learned in your Life’s journey to engage your Life’s purpose.

40 Years! From Airline Operations to Author 4

What People Are Saying

Coaching  ·  Leadership  ·  Sales  ·  Culture  ·  Brand Architecture

  • Read the Book
  • One on One Coaching
  • Phone Consultations
  • Video Chat / Video Conference
  • Team Workshops
  • Shadowing
  • Style Development